Cacao Camp 2014

Notes from our Burningman Cacao Camp 2014 We had a great showing of burners each afternoon at our Cacao classes.  We even did a special class for some of the kids at kidsville, and that was lots of fun- they were really interested. Links to photos and such:


Tired of looking at the blank backside of everybody’s ID badge at work?  Me too!  InsecureID makes fun and interesting ID badge cards that you can add to the back of your current badge to add some personality.

Mead from wild yeast 2013

We had some extra honey from our beehive this year, so we decided to make mead the old fashioned way, with just the natural yeast available in the air and honey. Shannon found an another post online, so before I knew it, she had the honey and water in a …

Hot chocolate in Paris

Shannon has turned into a hot chocolate connoisseur- probably because it’s warm AND chocolaty, combining two of her most favorite things.  It all started with a still unknown chocolate shop in Seattle that tasted like pure melted chocolate…  then in the following year, we went to Torino in Italy and …


Shannon and Scott got married on May 18, 2013.  We had a great time celebrating with many of our friends and family. Pictures and videos are available on our wedding page.

Shenzhen Luohu Tailor Review

I wanted to get a suit made on my next trip to Shenzhen so I decided to summarize some of my experiences to help anyone else.  It seems there’s very little references for people trying to navigate the crazy shopping mall at Luohu. Cindy and Nancy: On one of my …

Fresh Fruit Scones

Shannon and I really like the fresh fruit scones at Arizmendi bakery, so we decided to develop our own recipe as a modification of the standard Cook’s Illustrated one. Ingredients: 2 cups (20 oz = 565 g) Flour 2 T baking powder 6 T sugar = 87 g 1 t …

Candy cap cookies

We recently went on a mushroom hunt with SF Forage in December, and it was wet and rainy at Salt Point state park, but the candy cap mushrooms were out in bunches, so we came home with lots of them.  We made the standard candy cap cookie reciking arthur sourdough …

Sourdough Pancakes & Waffles

My mom used to make pancakes from Bisquick, and they were never my favorite breakfast food because they were always dry.  So I had to put a bunch of syrup on them, or as I got older, I’d put jam in-between them to make a pancake sandwich.  My culinary indifference …

Mushroom foraging at Salt Point state park

Shannon bought tickets for a mushroom hunting workshop for my Yule present this year, and the trip was great despite the cold wet weather. We cooked up the shrooms the next night with some buttered pasta, and here’s our tasing notes: hedgehog – nice firm texture, excellent mushroom/chanterelle-like flavor tooth …